Friday, August 04, 2006

New Lindsey Buckingham album!

Lindsey Buckingham.
Quel surprise!

It's been 14 years since his last solo album Out Of The Cradle and I had all but given up on a new one from Lindsey Buckingham. But ... this news item appeared on his official homepage two days ago:

"We are very pleased to announce that Lindsey has a new album coming out in October on Reprise Records. This will be an acoustic album titled Under The Skin.
Lindsey will also hit the road in October for about a month of shows across the US."

So there we have it! Although I don't expect anything sensational from the man who's "plundered" at least two solo albums to fill Fleetwood Mac reunion albums. Tango In The Night (1987) and Say You Will (2003).

The fact that the new one will be acoustic rules out too much overdubbing and studio trickery.
His three solo outings so far have been progressively more produced and less direct. From the fairly pop/rocky Law & Order (1981) via Go Insane (1984) to Out Of The Cradle (1992).

It'll also be interesting to see if any of the tracks from the unreleased Gift Of Screws that weren't used on Fleetwood Mac's Say You Will will pop up on the new acoustic one. Gift Of Screws being an album of tracks that has "leaked" and can be found on the Internet by the curious and investigative. Supposedly an album from 2000/2001 that never made it to the pressing plant.

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