Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Zappa.com celebrates with Freak Out! documentary

In July Radio Dupree celebrated the 40 years anniversary of the historical Freak Out! album (The first release by Zappa & The Mothers of Invention).
Now zappa.com has woken up and announces the release of "the FZ Audiography and Documentary Evidence (for the first time this century) of those certain recording sessions that occurred in Los Angeles between March and April of 1966."
The limited edition contains "FOUR historically magnificent discs for your Audio Gratification. And a Gorgeous booklet - with the original art and lots of special surprises - and your name too."
Yes, it's the same deal as with FZ:OZ. Sign the pre-order and get your name in the release. But don't you expect too much of previously unreleased music, is the advise from the staff of Radio Dupree.
And there is more documentary type stuff in the pipeline: ""There will also be available a Very Wonderful Two Disc FZ Audio Documentary Release that might well turn up in greater convenience in your favorite record store (Is there such a Beast Anymore?)."

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