Friday, May 09, 2014

Cher + Wu Tang Clan = True

Yes, Cher is apparently on two tracks on rap legends Wu Tang Clan's forthcoming double album Once Upon A Time In Shaolin.

And if you think that's a way to increase interest and sales of the album you're wrong. At least as far as sold copies go. The fact of the matter is that it will be released in one copy only, sold to the highest bidder.

According to this article in The Guardian the plan is to sell the album through some auction house, but apparently the band has already been offered $5 million from private parties interested in owning the only copy.
At the same time fans have started a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign to match the $5 million bid and share the music among fans.

You see, before the album copy is sold it will do a tour of museums, galleries, universities and such being exhibited and people can listen to it on headphones for $30-50 a pop.

Yes. You read that correctly. Send the album on tour and charge people to hear it.

The person who finally end up with the only existing copy of the Wu Tang album will get it in a nice engraved nickel and silver box...

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