Only a Swede would eat the year's first ice cream with the temperature just a handful of degrees above zero. I am that Swede and it happened late last week.
recording from 1970 featuring Frank Zappa and Jean Luc Ponty (pictured below).
I've heard the audience recording from the festival in France but have to give Radio Dupree's Zappa specialist Sigurd Huckle a chance to hear it and perhaps even write about it in detail either here on the blog or over at RadioDupree.
The homepage update should happen May 3 or 4. News, charts and information...
As far as music goes we have a new Album of The Month. If you've never heard Franternity Of Man you can hear songs from the groups first album as well as read more about it and the group.
I'd like to take the opportunity to plug a great spring/summer album of covers that I've been listening to the past week. Under The Covers Vol. 1 from Matthew Sweet and Susanna Hoffs is great! No surprise that we're playing tracks from it on Radio Dupree.
We've also added a couple of tracks from the new Neil Young CD Living With War. An anti-war, anti-Bush record that it has been written a lot about. Of his two latest I still prefer Prairie Wind, but if you want the outspoken rock-Neil then Living With War is for you.
Why not listen to the whole album streamed here!
Another add to the playlist is Swedish artist Katie Goes To Tokyo. Her debut album is out now and we like to spotlight national/local artists we like. And Radio Dupree-listeners liked her first single; Moving From This Town. OK. Go listen and then tell us what you think, like, dislike and want. An e-mail is always welcome!
Katie Goes To Tokyo. Photo: Evelina Örn
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