Like its namesake, the Nokia 8800 Sirocco Edition consists of two variants - light and dark, the light inspired by the hot, dry air mass, the dark by the cooler, humid one.
And as it blows, the powerful sirocco makes its own unique sound - a composition from nature caused by two air masses colliding. With nature as his inspiration, Brian Eno, the world renowned music composer and ambient music innovator, has created a unique 'sonic texture' that is organic, calm and highly evolved. It has an otherworldly feel - comprised of notes created by instruments that Eno has selected and 'synthesized' himself.
Makes you wanna run down to the nearest dealer to expose yourself to this apparently otherwordly experience... ;-)You have to admire the PR departments way with words. Trying to catch the poetry in technology. If they managed to this time? You be the judge. But I know that I'd like to hear the "sonic texture" even if it comes across sounding like a handful of leaking flutes.
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