It was enough to inspire some not-too-serious speculation among fans what hidden information about the solo album might lurk in the update.
Among the "finds":
The watch in the grandfather clock update seems to have the credo inscribed in the same typeface as the Morph cover. Maybe "The Eternal Return of the Same" = next DF album title.
- Another Scurvy Brother
If you Google "one fifteen", your first result will be One Fifteen Artist Management, which on its main artist roster features the band Deacon Blue ("Their name was inspired by a Steely Dan song").
The number 115, when factorized, gives us 5 and 23. May 23 is "Netzach sheb'Malchut" according to the Jewish calendar. Not only does "Netzach" bear resemblence to "Nietzsche", but it also translates to "eternity", which is interesting given that the credo quoted on the donaldfagen.com watch is "the eternal return of the same".
Ergo: really looking forward to May 23!
- fagenism
Feeling the urge to add our own far-fetched inferences we googled one of the names mentioned in the text; Anthony Biddle. Sifting through the life and times of Anthony Joseph Drexel Biddle, Sr. we conclude that these book titles m-i-g-h-t have inspired at least a couple of song titles on Donald Fagen's upcoming solo album:
A dual rôle: and other stories
The Madeira Islands
Shantytown Sketches
The Froggy Fairy Book
The Flowers of Life.
Word for Word and Letter for Letter
Do or Die: A Supplementary Manual on Individual Combat
While a list of where Anthony Joseph Drexel Biddle, Jr. worked as Ambassador surely also indicates the countries Mr Fagen may visit during his so far non-existent 2012 solo world tour:
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