Cue Wikipedia:
Black Friday is the after Thanksgiving in the United States, where it is the beginning of the traditionalChristmas shopping season. Because Thanksgiving falls on the fourth Thursday in November in the United States, Black Friday occurs between the 23rd and the 29th of November.We've "imported" a lot of stuff from the USA and Radio Dupree suspect and expect that some stores sooner rather than later will try do foist a shopping-Black Friday upon us here as well.
Not that we need to learn the finer points of shopping...
Like clockwork buying stuff, stuff and more stuff is up for debate here in Sweden each and every year as Christmas closes in and the Handelns Utredningsinstitut/Swedish Retail Institute like clockwork delivers the suggestion for Christmas Gif of The Year and predicts that the Christmas shopping will once again set a new record.
It's Saturday November 29 and we read this:

And finally:
This kind of thing would never happen at ICA!
Ica? Never!!! And Koncum/Coop is safe as well... :)
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