The idea was to rip the music into the computer and play it on Radio Dupree as Album of the Month, but I'm afraid you will have to wait a little more. The mail man seem to deliver either crap or...nothing at all. Today there was only some advertisement garbage and a little snow in the mail box. Been waiting for almost three weeks now. Other fans seem to have received their orders already. But it probably takes much longer time to ship to a distant place as Scandinavia.
So this is what you have to go through when you are one of those persons who say "Hell, no. I won't download this music, and I certainly won't download it in an illegal way. I'll pay some good money to get the real good sounding thing with artwork and all, and by doing so I will support Gail Zappa to put out things like this and Buffalo and Wazoo..."
Well, listeners, what can I say but "Hang in there!"
//Siggy, Radio Dupree office
bummer... hopefully it'll show up for you soon. it's fantastic. i didn't pre-order it but a day before the release date; so maybe that was the trick on my end (as I got it weeks ago).
i've had similar delays from BarfkoSwill, though...
I really look forward to hear the original orchestral Lumpy Gravy. In some way I expect to get an explanation to the fact that Frank regarded Lumpy Gravy as one of his best albums. I could not believe this when I read it in various interviews. To be honest the Lumpy Gravy album has never been a personal favourite. (I'm talking about the way it was released in the 60's.) I've always felt that it is a rather poor mix of Frank's collague technique (which turned out so superb on the Lumpy companion We're Only In It For The Money), his orchestral music in low-fi, some less interesting Mothers music plus the "inside the piano dialogue" which never really caught me. The album turned out this way because of contractual problems. But with this new release we get to hear the orchestral Lumpy Gravy the way Frank really intended it to be. The way I see it, this should be a very dynamite show!
/Siggy, Dupree
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