It's already May 30, which means that it's almost time for our monthly update adding new info on our homepage including a brand new Album Of The Month. Do, however, expect the chart of listeners favourites to be particulary one-sided and ... boring. ;)
The update will be this coming weekend. Probaly closer to Sunday than Saturday as we're having a PA-A-A-R-TY! Friday evening.
While Sigurd was down in Stockholm enjoying the Zappa plays Zappa and The Magic Band shows (see the three posts below for more on that), I had to stay put and settle for Eilert Pilarm in a one-song comeback after 2.5 years away from the stage. I shot some video but my computers has been acting up, and even if it hadn't I wouldn't have the right whatever to transfer the film from the analog camera to the computer.
Felt a bit "off" this past week so in an effort to cheer myself up I went and bought myself an mp3-player this past Friday. And I succeeded! Got some great music on it and have been enjoying myself.
Most if not all of that music is being added to Radio Dupree as well.
As far as the headline goes; "Japanese Steely Dan fan wanted!", I really need to get some help translating/checking a 6 page leaflet promoting Morph The Cat. It m-a-y include some news or such stuff that would be great to know. Including an interview that may/may not be new.
I'll do some scanning and put it up on the homepage and hope someone fluent in Japanes will be willing to check it out and report whatever news might be there.
Celebrated Mothers Day this past weekend. Met - among others - these two World Of Warcaft players taking a rare break from the game. Hi guys!