When you go searching for Mose The Fireman what you find is most often just the book without any audio whatsoever, the cassette or the video. If the CD pops up for sale it's usually quite expensive. So we at Radio Dupree were happy to finally find a cheap used copy that arrived today after a quick trip across the ocean from New York.
And it arrived in mint condition! Still shrink-wrapped and a joy to listen to. Although it's not for the casual Steely Dan/Walter Becker fan, but the completist and curious hardcore fan.
The CD has a 22 minute story told by actor Michael Keaton followed by seven instumental tunes in a happy, jazzy vein. Mostly short numbers that add upp to around 15 minutes of music. Mose The Fireman is set for re-release in June of this year. But check out Radio Dupree's homepage to learn why you shouldn't buy that if you want to hear the music.
Here's a link to Tomas Boberg's Steely Dan site. It features a Real Audio file of one of the songs; King Of The Bowery. Where you'll hear the rest? On Radio Dupree of course!
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